Thursday, 7 June |
Friday, 8 June |
09:00 Registration 09:50 Plenary Session: Opening & Hersenstichting Lecture 11:00 Coffee & Tea 11:30 Parallel Sessions A
13:00 Lunch 14:00 Parallel Sessions B
15:30 Drinks 16:00 Plenary Session 17:00 Plenary Session 18:00 Dinner 19:30 Plenary Session 20:30 Posters & poster prize 22:00 Social |
09:00 Parallel Sessions C
10:30 Coffee & Tea 11:00 Parallel Sessions D
12:30 Posters & Lunch 14:00 Parallel Sessions E
15:30 Drinks 16:00 Plenary Session
17:30 Closure DNM 18 |
Thursday .::. 7 June
09:00 Registration
09:50 Plenary Session: Opening & Hersenstichting Lecture
Session 1: Hersenstichting Lecture[Europa]
Chair: Jeffrey Glennon (Nijmegen)
Adrian Raine (Philadelphia, PA, USA) The anatomy of violence: dissecting the biological roots of crime (60')
11:00 Coffee & Tea
11:30 Parallel Sessions A
Session 2: The era of big data in neuroscience - from omics integration to network interpretation[America]
Chairs: Roy Lardenoije (Maastricht / Göttingen) & Daniel van den Hove (Maastricht)
Eilis Hannon (Exeter, United Kingdom) Using molecular QTLs to refine genetic association signals for complex traits (30')
Muhammad Ali (Maastricht) An integrative approach for network inference from epigenetics and transcriptomics data (15')
Ehsan Pishva (Exeter, United Kingdom) Comparison of approaches to array-based identification of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (15')
Lars Eijssen (Maastricht) Systems biology to unravel the molecular regulation of stress (15')
Nadine Rouleaux (Maastricht) The era of big data in neuroscience: a predictive machine learning model for Alzheimer’s disease (15')
Session 3: Stress modulation of memory accuracy vs generalization[Room 13]
Chairs: Marloes Henckens (Nijmegen) & Tom Smeets (Maastricht)
Aline Desmedt (Bordeaux, France) The hippocampal-dependent contextual amnesia at the core of PTSD-related memory (30')
Bart Dirven (Nijmegen) The memory engram for trauma and its implications for vulnerability to PTSD (15')
Benno Roozendaal (Nijmegen) Stress hormone effects on accuracy and generalization of memory (15')
Tom Smeets (Maastricht) The effects of acute stress on fear generalization in humans (15')
Christian Merz (Bochum, Germany) The influence of cortisol on extinction memory (15')
Session 4: Depression: new molecular and therapeutic insights[Room 3]
Chairs: Judith Homberg & Danielle Mendes Diniz (Nijmegen)
Marco Riva (Milan, Italy) Stress, development and long-term vulnerability to mood disorders (45')
Danielle Mendes Diniz (Nijmegen) BDNF and treatment of depression (15')
Danai Riga (Amsterdam) Netting a new understanding of hippocampal function in chronic depression (15')
Paul Lucassen (Amsterdam) Brain plasticity and neurogenesis in relation to (early) stress and major depression (15')
Session 5: How fake sugar and junk food mess up the brain[Vide]
Chairs: Susanne la Fleur & Joram Mul (Amsterdam)
Jelle Dalenberg (New Haven, CT, USA) Consuming sucralose with maltodextrin decreases brain and insulin sensitivity to sugar within 2 weeks (30')
Warner Hoornenborg (Groningen) Differential effects of a low fat or high fat diet on glucose tolerance (after massive weight loss following) RYGB surgery in rats (15')
Charlene Diepenbroek (Amsterdam) Interacting effects of fat and sugar consumption on opioid and dopamine receptor expression in the nucleus accumbens (15')
Floor van Meer (Utrecht) The neural processing of unhealthy food in children: the effect of body mass (15')
Katy van Galen (Amsterdam) The metabolic adaptation to fasting is associated with striatal dopamine transporter availability in lean and obese humans (15')
Session 6: Reward and beyond: heterogeneity in the mesolimbic dopamine system[Room 5]
Chairs: Jeroen Verharen (Utrecht) & Ingo Willuhn (Amsterdam)
Xin Jin (La Jolla, CA, USA) The nigrostriatal dopamine and action (30')
Ruth van Holst (Amsterdam) Getting sticky with it: cognitive flexibility in gambling disorder and the role of dopamine synthesis capacity (20')
Ruud van Zessen (Geneva, Switzerland) Ventral striatal population dynamics following cocaine exposure (20')
Han de Jong (Berkeley, CA, USA) A neural circuit mechanism for aversive coding in the mesolimbic dopamine system (20')
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Parallel Sessions B
Session 7: Effects of SSRI treatment during pregnancy on behavioral and neurodevelopmental outcome in the offspring[America]
Chairs: Danielle Houwing (Groningen) & Tim Oberlander (Vancouver, Canada)
Tim Oberlander (Vancouver, BC, Canada) Can we identify developmental benefits for children with prenatal exposure to SSRI antidepressants? (30')
Danielle Houwing (Groningen) Effects of maternal depression and perinatal fluoxetine exposure on social behavior in juvenile and adult rat offspring (15')
Emma Wams (Groningen) Are there circadian rhythm consequences to offspring with prenatal and postnatal exposure to SSRIs? (15')
Eelke Snoeren (Tromsø, Norway) The effects of prenatal fluoxetine exposure on social behavior in rats housed in a semi-natural environment (15')
Judith Homberg (Nijmegen) Do pharmacological and genetic factors increasing fetal serotonin signaling converge on the development of the sensory and motor systems? (15')
Session 8: To go, or not to go... Novel insights into neural mechanisms of response inhibition[Room 5]
Chairs: Tommy Pattij (Amsterdam) & Joost Wiskerke (Piscataway, USA)
Veit Stuphorn (Baltimore, MD, USA) The role of ventral prefrontal cortex in response inhibition (30')
Sara Jahfari (Amsterdam) A fronto-subthalamic perspective on the role of inhibitory control and choice uncertainty in conflict-induced slowing (15')
Bram Zandbelt (Nijmegen) Action-selective and stimulus-selective stopping violate race model assumptions and are similar in terms of performance and brain activation (15')
Joost Wiskerke (Piscataway, NJ, USA) To go or not to go – New insights into the role of norepinephrine in response inhibition (15')
Chris Vriend (Amsterdam) Neuromaging correlates of response inhibition in impulsive-compulsive spectrum disorders (15')
Session 9: Single cell analysis of the adult brain[Room 13]
Chairs: Onur Basak & Roger Adan (Utrecht)
Stein Aerts (Leuven, Belgium) Single-cell gene regulatory networks in the brain (30')
Benedetta Artegiani (Utrecht) A single cell sequencing study of the adult hippocampal neurogenic niche (15')
Nefeli Kakava (Utrecht) Molecular profiling of hypothalamic neurons involved in energy balance (15')
Mark Mizee (Amsterdam) Dissecting the human brain post-mortem through nuclear RNA sequencing (15')
Onur Basak (Utrecht) Single cell transcriptome atlas of neural stem cell activity (15')
Session 10: A journey through the networked brain: from neuron to behavior[Vide]
Chairs: Linda Douw (Amsterdam) & Edwin van Dellen (Utrecht)
Cornelis J. Stam (Amsterdam) Network neuroscience: a guided tour (30')
Christiaan de Kock (Amsterdam) Structure-function analysis of pyramidal neurons from human neocortex at (sub)cellular resolution (15')
Edwin van Dellen (Utrecht) Minimum spanning tree analysis of the human connectome (15')
Linda Douw (Amsterdam) The dynamic brain network and human cognition (15')
Gwenda Engels (Amsterdam) A network analysis of non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (15')
Session 11: Addiction research - the cells and circuitry of intoxicating memories[Room 3]
Chairs: Guus Smit & Taco de Vries (Amsterdam)
Yavin Shaham (Baltimore, MD, USA) Incubation of drug craving after voluntary abstinence: behavior and circuits (30')
Nathan Marchant (Amsterdam) Context-induced relapse of nicotine seeking after punishment-imposed abstinence (15')
Esther Visser (Amsterdam) Cue-induced relapse to alcohol seeking is controlled by a persistent cortical memory trace (15')
Maryse Minnaard (Utrecht) Investigating the neural mechanisms of compulsive reward seeking in rats (15')
Anne Marije Kaag (Amsterdam) Neural cue reactivity in alcohol and cocaine use disorders; the role of childhood trauma and sex (15')
15:30 Drinks
16:00 Plenary Session
Session 12: Top Paper, Thesis & Translational Neuroscience Prizes[Europa]
Chairs: Christiaan Vinkers (Utrecht), Maarten Kole & Helmut Kessels (Amsterdam), Judith Homberg (Nijmegen)
17:00 Plenary Session
Session 13: Career & Industry[Europa]
Chairs: Jos Prickaerts (Maastricht) & Martien Kas (Groningen)
Pim Drinkenburg (Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse, Belgium) (30')
Barbara Biemans (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) (30')
18:00 Dinner
19:30 Plenary Session
Session 14: How to publish in top neuroscience journals[Europa]
Chair: Sabine Spijker (Amsterdam)
20:30 Posters & poster prize
Session 15: Poster session 1
20:30 Sponsored Session • Metris
Sonotrack call classification project: enabling phenotyping based on ultrasound vocalizations (45')
Girish Khanna & Levon Bachdasarian
22:00 Social
Friday .::. 8 June
09:00 Parallel Sessions C
Session 16: Brain lipid metabolism in health and disease[America]
Chairs: Aniko Korosi & Maralinde Abbink (Amsterdam)
Oleg Butovsky (Boston, MA, USA) Dual faces of Dr. Jekyll microglia: degenerating neurons cannot “Hyde” (30')
Nienke de Wit (Amsterdam) Liver X receptor alpha knockdown induces blood-brain barrier dysfunction (15')
Silvie Ruigrok (Amsterdam) Early-life stress' effects on peripheral and central lipid metabolism (15')
Frank Meye (Utrecht) Comfort for the troubled mind: neural circuits underlying stress-induced palatable food intake (15')
Irina Milanova (Amsterdam) Microglial immunometabolism in obesity (15')
Session 17: The cross-talk between cell metabolism and inflammation in aging and brain diseases[Room 13]
Chairs: Amalia Dolga & Ulrich Eisel (Groningen)
Laura Trovó (Munich, Germany) Cell type-specific mitochondrial diversity in vivo in the CNS (30')
Barbara Bakker (Groningen) Computational modelling of amino-acid homeostasis and neurotransmitter production in phenylketonuria (15')
Hans Westerhoff (Amsterdam) How Nature meets Nurture. Metametabolic maps and multifactorial brain disease (15')
Doortje Dekens (Groningen) Absence of Lipocalin 2 does not alter neuroinflammation, but does protect against brain iron accumulation in an Alzheimer mouse model (15')
Amalia Dolga (Groningen) Metabolic shifts are essential for the activation of microglial cells (15')
Session 18: Why sex matters? From basics to a translational approach understanding the importance of sexual function[Vide]
Chairs: Diana Esquivel Franco (Groningen) & Eelke Snoeren (Tromsø, Norway)
Eelke Snoeren (Tromsø, Norway) The role of medial amygdala projections in male rat sexual motivation and behavior (30')
Deepika Patel (Groningen) Hierarchical status in male and female Wildtype Groningen rats in a semi-natural social environment: a focus on sexual behavior and neural plasticity (15')
Diana Esquivel Franco (Groningen) Mechanisms underlying the sexual inhibitory effects of tramadol (15')
Gerben Ruesink (Groningen) Is the penis part of the affective touch system? (15')
Marcel Waldinger (Philadelphia, PA, USA) The intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) distribution of lifelong premature ejaculation differs mathematically from that of subjective premature ejaculation (15')
Session 19: Intellectual doping with cognition enhancing drugs[Room 5]
Chairs: Wim Riedel (Maastricht) & Roshan Cools (Nijmegen)
Roshan Cools (Nijmegen) Role of dopamine in the motivation of cognitive control. Relevance for the use of smart drugs (30')
Anke Sambeth (Maastricht) Intellectual doping with cognition enhancing drugs (30')
Stéphanie Caldenhove (Maastricht) Caffeine alone is better intellectual doping than a combination of Nootropic Ingredients (15')
Bryant Jongkees (Leiden) Food for (better) thought? The potential and limitations of using food supplements for cognitive enhancement (15')
Session 20: Fast-spiking interneurons: from new cellular insights to circuit functions[Room 3]
Chairs: Mohit Dubey (Amsterdam) & Steven Kushner (Rotterdam)
Peter Jonas (Klosterneuburg, Austria) Fast-spiking interneurons: from new cellular design to microcircuit function (30')
Sara Hijazi (Amsterdam) Inhibiting Alzheimer's disease by restoring hippocampal PV+ interneuron activity (20')
Jeffrey Stedehouder (Rotterdam) Axonal mechanisms underlying fast-spiking, parvalbumin interneuron myelination (20')
Mohit Dubey (Amsterdam) A role for myelination of parvalbumin axons in the inhibitory control of pyramidal neurons (20')
10:30 Coffee & Tea
11:00 Parallel Sessions D
Session 21: Exercise, stress and hippocampal plasticity[America]
Chairs: Paul Lucassen & Anouk Schrantee (Amsterdam)
Chelsea Stillman (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) Effects of exercise on human hippocampal structure and function in relation to aging (30')
Anouk Schrantee (Amsterdam) Imaging neurometabolites in the live human brain after a high and low intensity exercise program (15')
Antonia Kaiser (Amsterdam) Effects of physical exercise on hippocampal volume and vasculature in young adults (15')
Maralinde Abbink (Amsterdam) Early-life stress induced changes in hippocampal plasticity in response to later life challenges (15')
Joram Mul (Amsterdam) Voluntary wheel running promotes resilience to chronic social defeat stress in mice – a role for nucleus accumbens ΔFosB (15')
Session 22: Targeting dysfunctional proteostasis in Alzheimer’s disease[Room 13]
Chairs: Wiep Scheper & Rik van der Kant (Amsterdam)
Will McEwan (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Targeted protein degradation by antibodies in the cytoplasm (30')
Leen Janssen (Groningen) Characterizing a modifier of protein aggregation in a mouse model (15')
Vera Wiersma (Amsterdam) Modelling Alzheimer's disease pathology using in vitro tau seeding models (15')
Stefan Rüdiger (Utrecht) Disaggregation of Tau fibrils by chaperones (15')
Rik van der Kant (Amsterdam) Drug screening in iPSC-derived neurons uncovers cholesterol metabolism as an regulator of Tau proteostasis in Alzheimer’s disease (15')
Session 23: Hypothalamic control of energy homeostasis: cellular heterogeneity and species differences[Vide]
Chairs: Andries Kalsbeek & Chun-Xia Yi (Amsterdam)
Paul Pfluger (Munich, Germany) Novel insights into leptin resistance and our failure to stay lean (30')
Martin Kalsbeek (Amsterdam) Human hypothalamic microglia and POMC neurons are differently affected by anti-diabetic treatment in type 2 diabetic patients (15')
Xiaolan Wang (Strasbourg, France) The molecular clock of microglia and the hypothalamic neuronal activity in metabolic control (15')
Veronne de Vrind (Utrecht) Effect of modulating hypothalamic LepR neurons on motivational behavior for food (15')
Lisa Koorneef (Leiden) How metabolic state may regulate fear: presence of metabolic receptors in the fear circuitry (15')
Session 24: More than a gut feeling: eat your way towards a better cognitive performance[Room 3]
Chairs: Marcia Spoelder & Judith Homberg (Nijmegen)
Marcus Boehme (Cork, Ireland) A gut feeling about ageing: the impact of diet on behavior and brain health across life (30')
Renger Witkamp (Wageningen) Nutrition and cognitive function – why “happy meals” ultimately will not make us happy (30')
Esther Aarts (Nijmegen) Stress matters: randomized controlled trial on the effect of probiotics on neurocognition (15')
Gabriele Gross (Nijmegen) Nutrition early in life: opportunities to influence brain development and function (15')
Session 25: Astrocyte (dys)function in neurological disease[Room 5]
Chairs: Erwin van Vliet (Amsterdam) & Jinte Middeldorp (Utrecht)
Anja Scheller (Homburg, Germany) How behavior or trauma affect astrocyte properties in vivo (30')
Aina Badia Soteras (Amsterdam) The role of peri-synaptic astrocyte proteins in memory (dys)function (15')
Jackelien van Scheppingen (Amsterdam) Astrocytic microRNAs as regulators of inflammation in epilepsy (15')
Elga de Vries (Amsterdam) The dual role of reactive astrocytes in multiple sclerosis (15')
Jinte Middeldorp (Utrecht) Astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease: the effect of an aged systemic environment (15')
12:30 Posters & Lunch
Session 26: Poster session 2
13:00 Sponsored Session • Noldus
Mini-training EthoVision XT – the basics of video tracking (45')
Albert Willemsen
14:00 Parallel Sessions E
Session 27: Cognitive bias in stress and depression[Room 13]
Chairs: Sabine Spijker & Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam)
Juan Nàcher (Valencia, Spain) Alterations in neuronal inhibitory networks in stress and depression (30')
Judith Homberg (Nijmegen) Fear memory and the autonomic system: a cross-species study (15')
Kitty Reemst (Amsterdam) Early-life stress affects adult cognition: a role for microglia and fatty acids (15')
Maija Koskinen (Amsterdam) From stress to depression: development of extracellular matrix-dependent cognitive impairment following social defeat stress (15')
Caroline Figueroa (Amsterdam) Neural vulnerability in patients remitted from depression (15')
Session 28: Translational approaches to compulsivity[Room 5]
Chairs: Jeffrey Glennon (Nijmegen) & Simone Berkel (Heidelberg, Germany)
Simone Berkel (Heidelberg, Germany) SHANKopathies – The relevance of the SHANK genes in autism spectrum disorders with a focus on compulsivity (30')
Geert Poelmans (Nijmegen) A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) and insulin signaling-related proteins are key regulators of synaptic function and plasticity in molecular landscapes of compulsivity-linked disorders (15')
Aleksandra Badura (Amsterdam) Cerebellar contribution to perseveration and other “autism-like” behaviors (15')
Mireille Serlie (Amsterdam) Striatal dopamine regulates systemic glucose metabolism in humans and mice (15')
Sarita Dam (Nijmegen) Linking microbial composition and insulin signalling to compulsive behaviour in mice (15')
Session 29: In search of the memory engram[America]
Chairs: Sylvie Lesuis & Harm Krugers (Amsterdam)
Pico Caroni (Basel, Switzerland) cFos+ neurons, Arc+ neurons and memory (30')
Erno Hermans (Nijmegen) Functional neuroimaging approaches to study distributed fear memory representations in humans (15')
Sylvie Lesuis (Amsterdam) The effects of glucocorticoids on the strength and specificity of a memory engram (15')
Priyanka Rao-Ruiz (Amsterdam) Ensemble specific molecular mechanisms underlying contextual fear memory consolidation (15')
Nicky Scheefhals (Utrecht) Resolving the functional organization of postsynaptic glutamate receptors (15')
Session 30: A vascular view on the brain[Vide]
Chairs: Amanda Kiliaan & Ilse Arnoldussen (Nijmegen)
Dutch Heart Foundation Lecture: Deborah Gustafson (Brooklyn, NY, USA) Adiposity, cognitive impairments & dementias. Insights from human populations (30')
Yael Reijmer (Utrecht) Disruption of structural connectivity and cognitive impairment in type 2 diabetes (15')
Maximilian Wiesmann (Nijmegen) A specific multi-nutrient intervention as therapeutic approach for stroke (15')
Debby Vreeken (Velp/Nijmegen) The influence of body weight on brain structure and function. The BARICO study: study rationale and protocol (15')
Ilse Arnoldussen (Nijmegen) Butyrate restores HFD induced adaptations in brain function and metabolism in mid-adult obese mice (15')
Session 31: Advanced neuronal in vitro systems: disease modeling and beyond[Room 3]
Chairs: Renzo Riemens & Gunter Kenis (Maastricht)
Raül Delgado Morales (Barcelona, Spain) Stem cell based models for human brain disorders (30')
Jeroen Pasterkamp (Utrecht) Dissecting the molecular mechanisms of neurological disease using iPSC-based in vitro models (15')
Alix Thomson (Maastricht) Modelling human neurons with the SHSY5Y cell line- an application to noninvasive brain stimulation research (15')
Britt Mossink (Nijmegen) Cell-type specific contribution to neuronal network (dys)function in neurodevelopmental disorders (15')
Renzo Riemens (Maastricht) Strategies, applications and challenges in directing neuronal cell fate in vitro (15')
15:30 Drinks
16:00 Plenary Session
Session 32: Young Talent & Poster Prizes[Europa]
Chairs: Kim Kuypers (Maastricht) & Marloes Henckens (Nijmegen)
Barbara Braams (Cambridge, MA, USA) Adolescent risky decision making: identification of relevant factors (30')
Session 33: Keynote Lecture[Europa]
Chair: Paul Lucassen (Amsterdam)
Stephen Matthews (Toronto, ON, Canada) Glucocorticoid programming of brain and behaviour: molecular mechanisms and intergenerational consequences (60')
17:30 Closure DNM 18
Thursday .::. 7 June
P1.1 Generation of a 3D model from human induced pluripotent stem cell derived neural precursor cells to study human cortical development
Sakshi Bansal (Rotterdam)
P1.2 Depleting the juvenile rodent brain from microglia: implications for irradiation-induced injury
Monique Havermans (Solna, Sweden)
P1.3 Early-life gut microbiota perturbation impact on brain expression of immune and synaptic markers in the mouse
Alicia Molinero-Perez (Maastricht)
P1.4 The role of the placenta in transmitting disturbed serotonin levels from the maternal environment: a comparative study with live-bearing fish, rats, and humans
Laura Staal (Groningen)
P1.5 Posterior cingulate cortex–medial prefrontal cortex functional connectivity reflects the experienced gender of hormonally untreated adolescents with gender dysphoria
Nina van Bruggen (Utrecht)
P1.6 Effect of early social experience on GABAergic synapses in the prefrontal cortex of adult rats
Lisa Bauer (Utrecht)
P1.7 Attenuation of epileptogenesis in the rat by IPR-179, a novel matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor
Diede Broekaart (Amsterdam)
P1.8 Distinct properties of pyramidal neurons and OLM interneurons in mouse hippocampus area CA1
Michel Hu (Amsterdam)
P1.9 Hypoxia affects the excitation/ inhibition ratio in cultures of cortical neurons
Joost le Feber (Enschede)
P1.10 Regulation of inhibitory bouton dynamics by endocannabinoid signaling
Jian Liang (Utrecht)
P1.11 The effect of early life stress on cell density and morphology of GFAP-positive astrocytes in the hippocampus
Aline Mak (Amsterdam)
P1.12 Brain kinetics of neurotransmission during THC intoxication
Natasha Mason (Maastricht)
P1.13 A brief period of sleep deprivation reduces spine density in the dentate gyrus
Frank Raven (Groningen)
P1.14 Morphine–induced conditioned place preference increases dendritic spine densities and enhances drug relapse
Ashley Shih (Nijmegen)
P1.15 The novel matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor IPR-179 reduces MMP9 activity and astrogliosis in the rapid kindling model
Rianne Tessers (Amsterdam)
P1.16 The role of miRNA-132 in regulation of inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling in cultured human astrocytes
Leyla Banchaewa (Amsterdam)
P1.17 MicroRNA-124 and -137 synergistically induce neural stem cell loss in the dentate gyrus upon non-convulsive seizures
Pascal Bielefeld (Amsterdam)
P1.18 Unravelling the molecular basis of Kv4.3 channelopathies: a molecular modeling study of the loss-of-function mutations causing spinocerebellar ataxia type 19/22
Andrea Catte (Pisa, Italy)
P1.19 Neuropathology and cognitive performance in centenarians
Andrea Ganz (Amsterdam)
P1.20 Increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase 3 can be attenuated by inhibition of microRNA-155 in cultured human astrocytes
Anatoly Korotkov (Amsterdam)
P1.21 Neuronal microRNA regulation of the thioredoxin system through the targeting of TXNIP
Anna-Maria Pistikou (Maastricht)
P1.22 The effect of Aβ-oligomers on the inhibitory synaptic transmission
Marvin Ruiter (Utrecht)
P1.23 Socratic feedback to increase awareness of deficits in patients with acquired brain injury: pilot results and design of a randomized controlled trial
Anneke Terneusen (Maastricht)
P1.24 The effect of SCA19/22 mutants on Kv4.3 at the single-channel and whole-cell level
Claudio Tiecher (Groningen)
P1.25 Increasing reproducibility in pre-clinical studies through coordinated standardization: a multi-center behavioural study using a genetic rat model for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Maria Arroyo Araujo (Groningen)
P1.26 Matrix metalloproteinases in subependymal giant cell astrocytomas in patients with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Jody de Jong (Amsterdam)
P1.27 Differential expression of let-7b and miR320c in various epileptogenic pathologies and their effects on inflammation in human astrocytes
Dieuwke De Waard (Amsterdam)
P1.28 Increased maternal extracellular serotonin levels beneficially influences offspring’s anxiety- and anhedonia-like behaviour
Sabrina Hanswijk (Nijmegen)
P1.29 Glioblastoma organoids in their optimal growth environment
Lisa Nieland (Utrecht)
P1.30 Manipulating neuronal chloride levels in order to understand sensory deficits in autism
Carlijn Peerboom (Utrecht)
P1.31 HE, Ehmt1, and Ki67 markers in embryonic and postnatal cerebellum development: neurogenesis in mouse brain
Maximilian Raas (Nijmegen)
P1.32 Losing heart: the association between serotonin transporter availability and neural correlates of fear bradycardia in response to threat
Kari Bosch (Nijmegen)
P1.33 Mechanisms underlying propranolol disruption of memory reconsolidation: a multi-level approach
Leonidas Faliagkas (Amsterdam)
P1.34 Weight change after deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens
Lisa Hahn (Maastricht)
P1.35 A ventral to dorsal medial prefrontal cortex projection mediates extinction of cocaine-conditioned behavior through recruitment of feed-forward inhibition
Mariana Matos (Amsterdam)
P1.36 Identification of molecular mechanisms of stress-induced changes in human emotion processing
Mandy Meijer (Leiden)
P1.37 Gestational stress in mouse dams negatively affects gestation and postpartum hippocampal BDNF and P11 protein levels
Ellis Nelissen (Maastricht)
P1.38 Intentional mnemonic control under stress
Conny Quaedflieg (Maastricht)
P1.39 Early life stress and antidepressant treatment impact the gut microbial and metabolic signatures during pregnancy and lactation in SERT+/- rats
Anouschka Ramsteijn (Groningen)
P1.40 In vivo evaluation of an mGluR2 mutation in Bipolar I Disorder
Pomme Rigter (Rotterdam)
P1.41 Differential effects of deep-brain stimulation of the internal capsule and the striatum on excessive grooming in SAPAP3-/- mice
Bastijn van den Boom (Amsterdam)
P1.42 Neuronal activity patterns after a traumatic experience in PTSD-like and resilient mice
Lennart van Melis (Nijmegen)
P1.43 Induced pluripotent stem cell modeling of an SLC39A7 recessive mutation associated with non-syndromic familial autism spectrum disorder
Michelle Van Mil (Vlaardingen)
P1.44 How does the pre-saccadic shift of attention influence auditory spatial perception?
Arne Borst (Amsterdam)
P1.45 No evidence for a causal effect of tACS individual alpha phase on visual awareness
Sander van Bree (Maastricht)
P1.46 Higher visual cortices modulate processing in the primary visual cortex
Matthijs oude Lohuis (Amsterdam)
P1.48 Development of a visual mismatch negativity task in freely moving mice
Renate Kat (Groningen)
P1.49 Understanding mismatch negativity: cortical mechanisms and the effects of sensory context
Allison McDonald (Amsterdam)
P1.50 Binaural interactions in the human brainstem in simulated asymmetrical hearing loss
Emily Vink (Utrecht)
P1.51 Auditory nerve preservation following neurotrophic treatment in deafened guinea pigs
Henk Vink (Utrecht)
P1.52 Motor cortex activity in response to perceived speech: evidence from ECoG neural responses to a full-length feature film
Clarissa Baratin (Utrecht)
P1.53 Finding the bipolar Error-related Potential (bErrP) in an ALS patient implanted with a daily use communication brain-computer interface
Khaterah Kohneshin (Utrecht)
P1.54 Effects of long term endogenous corticosteroid exposure in brain structures. MRI imaging analysis in the adko mouse
Jorge Miguel Amaya Fernandez (Leiden)
P1.55 The role of serotonin in the modulation of inflammation
Malvina Begalli (Nijmegen)
P1.56 Which behaviors are altered by early-life stress? A meta-analysis of preclinical studies
Valeria Bonapersona (Utrecht)
P1.57 Good vibrations: can Drosophila melanogaster help to unravel the underlying mechanisms of whole-body vibration on body and brain?
Marina Boon (Groningen)
P1.58 Power of mind: attentional focus rather than food palatability dominates neural responding to visual food stimuli
Sieske Franssen (Maastricht)
P1.59 Effects of complex housing on pro-social behavior in male Wistar rats
Jiska Kentrop (Utrecht)
P1.60 Social behaviour and stress: friendly females and feisty males
Sanne Lamers (Groningen)
P1.61 The visible burrow system: assessing behavioral, physiological and neurobiological correlates of hierarchical ranking position in WTG rats
Deepika Patel (Groningen)
P1.62 Comparison of brain regions activated after context-induced relapse to nicotine seeking after extinction compared to punishment-imposed abstinence
Vasiliki Pentaraki (Amsterdam)
P1.63 Your mind on calories: can marketing fool your brain?
Clara Raithel (Maastricht)
P1.64 Effect of modulating lateral hypothalamic neurons on feeding behavior
Annemieke Rozeboom (Utrecht)
P1.65 The role of the dorsolateral striatum in habitual alcohol seeking in rats
Janna Smeets (Utrecht)
P1.66 Impaired placental endocrine function programmes anxiety-like behaviours in offspring
Janne Smit (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
P1.67 Social versus individual housing and the effects on metabolic health in mice
Steffen van Heijningen (Groningen)
P1.68 Dopamine genotype-dependent effects of diet and insulin resistance on right dorsolateral prefrontal response to milkshake in overweight and obese humans
Maria van Kooten (New Haven, CT, USA)
P1.69 Behavioural state determines temporal dynamics of spiking in identified cell-types across layers in rat primary somatosensory cortex
Kimberly Vuurboom (Amsterdam)
P1.70 The effects of glucocorticoid receptor antagonist CORT125281 on corticosteroid receptor activity in the murine brain
Lucas Wahl (Leiden)
P1.71 Chemogenetic investigation of the role of MCH neurons in food intake and locomotor activity
Maria Zwartkruis (Utrecht)
P1.72 Testing the role of orexin in goal-directed and habitual behavior using optogenetics in mice
Pol Bech (Amsterdam)
P1.73 An acquired choice: reduced cortico-striatal excitability during delay-contingency learning accelerates reward discounting
Madison Carr (Amsterdam)
P1.74 Identification of a functional connectome in alcohol seeking under conflict
Vasco Rauh (Tilburg)
P1.75 Alcohol memory-encoding ensembles in the ventral hippocampus are critical for context-induced relapse of alcohol seeking
Astrid van Irsen (Amsterdam)
P1.76 Biperiden as a pharmacological model for memory impairment
Laura Borghans (Maastricht)
P1.77 Pilot study: a home-cage approach to the rodent adjusting delay discounting paradigm
Paula Gomez Sotres (Amsterdam)
P1.78 Neurocognitive correlates of BMI
Iris Hovens (New Haven, CT, USA)
P1.79 A single dose of cocaine enhances prospective memory performance
Nadia Hutten (Maastricht)
P1.80 Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus basalis of Meynert as a treatment for Parkinson's disease dementia: a systematic review of animal studies
Muhammad Nazmuddin (Groningen)
P1.81 Cognitive inflexibility in SAPAP3-/- mice can be restored by enhanced salience of conditioned stimuli
Jennifer van Klaveren (Amsterdam)
P1.82 Eye don't see the point: saccades in the dark
Thomas van Neerven (Utrecht)
P1.83 Differentiating human pluripotent stem cell derived neural precursor cells into functional oligodendrocyte precursor cells
Sara Gordillo Sampedro (Rotterdam)
P1.84 Novel workflow for hydroxymethylation profiling at a single cell level
Manas Kshirsagar (Maastricht)
P1.85 The era of big data in neuroscience: a predictive machine learning model for Alzheimer’s disease
Nadine Rouleaux (Maastricht)
P1.86 Molecular genetics of stress – regulatory mechanisms involved in chronic social defeat stress
Lars Eijssen (Maastricht)
P1.87 Striatonigral projections from the ventromedial striatum evoke region-specific dopamine release in the dorsal striatum
Rudolf Faust (Amsterdam)
Friday .::. 8 June
P2.2 The effects of early-life stress on the hypothalamic feeding circuitry and food preferences
Renee Clausing (Amsterdam)
P2.3 The effects of early-life stress on the hypothalamic neural stem cell pool
Anna Davidson (Amsterdam)
P2.4 Role of Netrin 1 (Ntn1) in dopamine neuron migration
Laurens Martijn Grossouw (Utrecht)
P2.5 Early-life stress does not alter the aging process but modulates progression of and neuroimmune response to amyloid pathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Janssen Kotah (Amsterdam)
P2.6 Diverse signalling mechanisms of Sema6A in cortical primary explants
Aikaterini Koutourlou (Utrecht)
P2.7 Early-life stress' effects on hypothalamic nutrient sensing and mitochondrial energy metabolism
Nina Stöberl (Amsterdam)
P2.8 Early-life stress affects how prolonged Western-style diet exposure modulates hippocampal adult neurogenesis and astrocytes in mice
Cato de Vos (Amsterdam)
P2.9 Spatial control of local glutamate receptor trafficking at the excitatory synapse
Lisa Catsburg (Utrecht)
P2.10 Screening and validation of glial microRNAs in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Rianne de Jongh (Utrecht)
P2.12 Molecular pathways driving the assembly of the axon initial segment
Amélie Freal (Utrecht)
P2.13 Brain development in schizophrenia investigated in a 22q11.2 deletion syndrome cerebral
organoid model
Dilara Ilhan (Utrecht)
P2.14 The effects of early life stress on Alzheimer’s disease: a possible role for the glutamatergic system
Paul Kaplick (Amsterdam)
P2.15 PTEN selectively reduces synaptic currents of GluA3-containing AMPARs
Karin Koymans (Amsterdam)
P2.16 Dendritic coordination between excitatory and inhibitory synapses
Dennis Kruijssen (Utrecht)
P2.17 Presynaptic function controlled by ER membrane proteins VAPA and VAPB
Feline Lindhout (Utrecht)
P2.18 Parvalbumin-positive interneuron activity is homeostatically controlled by regulation of inhibitory synaptic input
Martijn Selten (London, United Kingdom)
P2.19 The effect of early-life stress on the neuroimmune response in primary hippocampal mixed glial cultures, possible modulation by fatty acids
Lisette van den Brand (Amsterdam)
P2.20 Effects of early life stress on microglia, under basal conditions and after an LPS challenge
Laura Verboon (Amsterdam)
P2.21 Genome editing via CRISPR/Cas9-mediated HITI approach allows live-cell and super-resolution imaging of endogenously expressed synaptic proteins in neurons
Jelmer Willems (Utrecht)
P2.22 The effect of early life stress on astrocyte neuroinflammatory response: possible fatty acid modulation
Genevieve Yvon-Durocher (Amsterdam)
P2.23 Automated methods to quantify tau pathology in cell models of Alzheimer’s disease
Ernesto Berenjeno (Amsterdam)
P2.24 Smart glasses for visual cueing in augmented reality: an on-demand turning aid for freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease
Jaap de Ruyter van Steveninck (Nijmegen)
P2.25 Elucidating the diagnostic, therapeutic and mechanistic implications of stroke in Alzheimer’s disease
Cansu Egitimci (Nijmegen)
P2.26 Labelling of newly synthesized proteins to unravel axonal regeneration
Eline Feenstra (Utrecht)
P2.27 White matter changes in the perforant path in ALS and ALS/FTD
Marlies Hiemstra (Nijmegen)
P2.28 The daily rhythm of arginine vasopressin expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of type-2 diabetes patients
Rick Hogenboom (Amsterdam)
P2.29 Analyzing Freezing of Gait using foot switch data
Jamie Jansen (Nijmegen)
P2.30 (Ultra-)high-field MRI of cerebral small vessel disease
Esther Janssen (Nijmegen)
P2.31 The effect of ataxin-2 intermediate length CAG repeat expansion on TDP-43 pathology
Giel Korsten (Utrecht)
P2.32 Modeling C9ALS in human cerebral organoids
Nathasia Muwanigwa (Utrecht)
P2.33 The crucial role of AMPA-receptor subunit GluA3 in amyloid-β mediated synapse and memory impairment
Niels Reinders (Amsterdam)
P2.34 Effect of low brain insulin signaling on Alzheimer’s disease impaired Tau degradation in iPSC derived human neurons
Ruben Ruiz (Amsterdam)
P2.35 Neuroprotective pathways in cerebral ischemia: the role of linalool on preventing inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction
Angélica Sabogal Guaqueta (Groningen)
P2.36 Microglia function in Alzheimer’s Disease: studying human primary cells
Carla San Martin Paniello (Utrecht)
P2.37 Neural stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles as paracrine regulators in the hippocampus
Bruno Seguro (Amsterdam)
P2.38 The contribution of neural stem cells to reactive hippocampal astrogliosis after traumatic brain injury in mice
Eline Toledo (Amsterdam)
P2.39 Postoperative ischemia and post-radiation injury in the treatment of glioma
Arthur van der Boog (Utrecht)
P2.40 Neural stem cell proteostasis is rewired upon differentiation and aging
Willianne Vonk (Utrecht)
P2.41 Hydroxytyrosol-enriched diet as an acute therapeutic strategy for ischemic stroke
Vera Wielenga (Nijmegen)
P2.42 Hypothalamic oxytocin- and vasopressin expressions in type 2 diabetic patients
Samantha Wolff (Amsterdam)
P2.43 Activation of the Nrf-2 signaling pathway in epilepsy and its modulation via miRNA-155 in human fetal astrocytes
Till Zimmer (Amsterdam)
P2.44 Validation of a novel Protocadherin 9 conditional reinstatement mouse model to study sensory cortex functioning by behavioral and neurobiological assessment
Betty Hornix (Groningen)
P2.45 Methylphenidate reduces anxiety and dose dependently affects aggression and sustained attention in BALB/cJ mice
Floriana Mogavero (Nijmegen)
P2.46 A human model for Brunner syndrome reveals increased neuronal network activity of dopaminergic neurons
Yan Shi (Nijmegen)
P2.47 An in vitro model of synaptic mitochondrial presence and dynamics in hiPSC-derived neurons carrying the MELAS A3243G mutation
Gemma Sole Guardia (Nijmegen)
P2.48 Anatomical characteristics of anterior cingulate cortex and midcingulate cortex are related to abnormal behaviour in BALB/cJ mice
Sabrina van Heukelum (Nijmegen)
P2.49 The serotonin transporter and early life stress: do they interact to induce a depressive-like phenotype?
Jenny Borkent (Groningen)
P2.50 In vivo imaging of hippocampal parvalbumin positive interneurons
Demi Brizee (Rotterdam)
P2.51 High resolution 2D-quantification of in vivo glutamate concentration in the brain using 1H-MRSI at 7-Tesla
Tommy Broeders (Utrecht)
P2.52 Early life stress: effects on the excitation/inhibition balance and chloride homeostasis in the mPFC
Wouter Droogers (Utrecht)
P2.53 Exploring the relationship of gene expression in the healthy brain with high-resolution 2D glutamate mapping methods at 7T
Mirte Edens (Utrecht)
P2.54 Extensive morphological analysis of parvalbumin positive interneurons in myelin-deficient Shiverer mice
Luisa Fassi (Rotterdam)
P2.56 Microglia function and phenotype in major depressive disorder
Alba Fernandez Andreu (Utrecht)
P2.57 Influence of pro-social behaviour on callous unemotional traits in mice
Femke Geers (Nijmegen)
P2.58 The effects of vortioxetine on male sexual behaviour: a pharmacological study in serotonin transporter knockout rats
Josien Janssen (Groningen)
P2.59 Posttraumatic stress disorder and GR antagonist RU486: effects on gene expression and DNA methylation in the rat brain
Jolanthe Lingeman (Leiden)
P2.60 The role of rTMS on cortical thickness, hippocampal and amygdala volume in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression
Lieke Martens (Nijmegen)
P2.61 Trapping traumatic memories; hippocampal activity during trauma encoding predicts trauma susceptibility
Dewi van der Geugten (Nijmegen)
P2.63 Audiovisual interactions in primary auditory cortex of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) probed with amplitude-modulated stimuli
Peter Bremen (Rotterdam)
P2.64 Behavioral and electrophysiological characterization of tactile and visual-tactile object discrimination
Mariana Duque Quintero (Amsterdam)
P2.65 Quantification and characterization of neuronal response in the posterior parietal cortex and rostrolateral area during a detection task
Antonieta Espejel Grageda (Amsterdam)
P2.66 Biological motion for bionic vision
Lynn Le (Nijmegen)
P2.67 The representation and organization of binaural cues in the human auditory cortex
Mats van der Heide (Utrecht)
P2.68 The embodiment of voluntary movement decisions
Yvonne Visser (Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
P2.69 The role of AMPA-receptor subunit GluA3 in adaptive behavior
Niek Brosens (Amsterdam)
P2.70 Synaptic communication between pyramidal neurons in adult human and mouse temporal cortex
Olga Buslenko (Amsterdam)
P2.71 Explaining social drinking from a neurobiological perspective
Martine Groefsema (Nijmegen)
P2.72 Epigenetic footprints of smoking: does smoking cause changes in DNA methylation and do these epigenetic changes contribute to the development of addiction?
Eduardo Herrada Soler (Amstelveen)
P2.73 Studying murine social withdrawal under semi-natural conditions
Kevin Ike (Groningen)
P2.74 Is larval zebrafish exploratory behavior an indicator for serotonin syndrome-like phenotype upon treatment with serotonergic modulating drugs?
Yuvendran Muniandy (Leiden)
P2.75 In vivo optogenetic activation of ventral tegmental area projections towards the nucleus accumbens shell increases impulsive action
Marleen van den Munkhof (Utrecht)
P2.76 A short-list of GR and CREB targets implicated in glucocorticoid-enhanced memory consolidation in the male rat brain
Eva Viho (Leiden)
P2.77 A pilot study to show how motivational conflict is encoded by inputs to the striatum
Isis Alonso (Amsterdam)
P2.78 Romantic relationship breakup: a human model to study effects of stress on emotions and mood
Anne Verhallen (Groningen)
P2.79 Post-tetanic potentiation reduces the energy barrier for synaptic vesicle fusion in fast releasing vesicles
Manon Berns (Amsterdam)
P2.80 Incidence, phenomenology and structural baseline markers of postoperative hallucinations
Rebecca Hekking (Amsterdam)
P2.81 Effects of interventions with short-chain fatty acids on brain function and structure in obese LDLr-/-Leiden male mice
Marloes Hoogstad (Nijmegen)
P2.82 The effect of glucocorticoids on Arc-dVenus positive cells
Nathalie Immerzeel (Amsterdam)
P2.83 Sex specific adaptations in brain structure, function and metabolism in HFD-induced obese mice
Sophie Jacobs (Nijmegen)
P2.84 Linking cocaine-induced structural brain changes to altered cognition in rhesus monkeys
Hank Jedema (Baltimore, MD, USA)
P2.85 Time in memory: investigation of how the human hippocampus encodes temporal context using 7T functional magnetic imaging
Chanju Lee (Maastricht)
P2.86 Effects of early-life stress on cognition and fear and the role of glucocorticoid receptors
Miriam Öttl (Amsterdam)
P2.87 Timing and activity of cortico-striatal projection neurons during attention and inhibitory control
Emma Passchier (Amsterdam)
P2.88 Validation of the noradrenergic memory enhancement in mice
Qi Song (Nijmegen)
P2.89 Neurocognition and subjective experience following acute doses of the synthetic cannabinoid JWH-018: responders versus non-responders
Eef Theunissen (Maastricht)
P2.90 The role of the corticothalamic projection neurons in attention
Alexandra van den Berg (Amsterdam)
P2.91 Conflict processing in the rat brain: 96 channel LFP recordings during the Simon task
Mattia Zanzi (Nijmegen)
P2.92 Signaling or selection? Putative mechanisms of conflict-related midfrontal theta oscillations
Marrit Zuure (Nijmegen)
P2.93 Towards a human 3D screening platform of tau pathology
Kevin Batenburg (Amsterdam)
P2.94 Is the new ‘adjusted auditory Stroop task’ as suitable as the random numbers task in influencing gait parameters in healthy elderly during gait?
Janne Heijs (Nijmegen)
P2.95 An evaluation of innovative touchscreen technology and feeding regimes to assess cognitive performance in adolescent rats
Stefanos Loizou (Nijmegen)
P2.96 Data quality in preclinical research and development – biological and experimental variations in a cross-site study validation
Filipa Lopes (Groningen)
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